Fab Wright Inc.

Custom Stainless Steel Fabrication to Fit Any of Your Requirements

“Your Partner and Fabrication Industry Leader”


Multi-Wash stations

Manufactured and Shipped by FabWright Inc.

Our stainless steel multi-wash stations are custom fabricated to meet your requirements.

Multi-wash stations are normally necessary in breakrooms, employee lounges, warehouses and restroom areas etc. for those facilities that have multiple employees needing to use a sink all at once to minimize lines and wasted break and work time. Our multi-wash stations can accommodate any number of users and the accompanying fixture whether it be wrist, knee, foot operated, or even electronic. Sink drains can be placed in the center or to either side of the bowl to expedite drainage.

Our multi-wash stations can come in any length, width, bowl depth, and in any design or configuration that you specify. They can be designed to comply with ADA requirements.

Removable access panels can be added to the front, sides, back or underneath any multi-wash station to hide plumbing so that it looks aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

High Quality Products

UN-Beatable Value


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